Hadley is 4 months old already! She is growing up so fast. At her 4 month appointment she weighed 14lbs 3oz and was 24.5 inches tall. So she is still a little below average in height and weight, but makes up for that with her big head! Some new things about Haddy are:
- She can roll over from her tummy to her back and also from her back to her tummy, but doesn't really like to
- She sits up pretty well on her own
- She laughs on occasion and is very smily but gets very solemn when the camera comes out '
- She is teething already, no teeth have come through so she is just super slobery and chews on anything she can get her hands on
- She loves to pull my hair, not a fan of that new found talent
- She loves to talk and sing to herself
- She loves to play with toys and read books
- She loves to go swimming
- She sleeps through the night most nights ( from 9:30pm - 6am)
She is such a happy and content baby and we sure love her!