Tuesday, October 2, 2012


 My original due date with Ellie was January 7th, but she decided to spice things up and make her appearance 2 weeks early on Christmas day no less. 
Kenley and I were joking as we were laying down to sleep on Christmas Eve, that baby sister just had to hold off being born for another 24 hours so we could enjoy Christmas with Hadley. 5 minutes later my water broke. I had felt fine all day, no contractions what so ever, so it was a huge shock and a bit ironic that we now were going to have a baby on Christmas Day. I called my friend Heather, who was so incredibly amazing to come and stay with Hadley and to have her be part of her own families Christmas. I was heartbroken to leave Hadley and not be with her on Christmas, but Heather was so great to take care of her and it made it a bit easier knowing she was enjoying christmas and not missing us. Thanks Heather! We got to the hospital around 2 am, and i was really beginning to feel the contractions and pain. They checked me and said i was 5-6 cm dilated. A few min later a different nurse came in and check me again and said that i was actually 7-8 cm dilated. Everything switched into high gear then.  They were hurrying around trying to get my IV in, asking the millions of question they have to ask, trying to set up for delivery, trying to find a doctor. It was all quite chaotic and scary. All i wanted was my epidural and for the insane amount of pain to stop. Well the epidural never came, and the doctor barely made it in time. At 3:53 am Ellie JoAnn Holt was born. One hour and 53 min after arriving at the hospital i had my baby girl. It was an out of body experience, i was scared to death yet relatively calm. Thinking back on it, so many things could have gone wrong, but everything workout just fine in the end. I most surely do not want to have another baby without an epidural again if i can help it, but empowering and reassuring to know that i can do it without. In the end i was just grateful for my new healthy (Christmas gift) baby girl.

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