Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Hadley Kaye

Hadley is now nearly two and a half years old. She has really grown up so much in the last six months, i look at her and see only glimpses of my once little baby girl. She is a very independent little girl, her new saying theses days is " i do it my self mom"
She is such a great big sister, she is so kind to Ellie and loves to make her laugh. 
Here are some things that i want to remember about her at this stage in life. 

- Loves to color and do projects
- Loves to do puzzles and look at books
- Loves to play dress up and picking out her own outfits for the day
- Loves playing with her play kitchen and cooks me food all day long, also loves helping me make dinner
- Learned to swim all by her self this summer, can swim without floaties
- Loves to sing, she sings random songs all day long and loves to sing in the bathtub and very loudly at church
- Can count to 12 (forgets 5 usually thou)
- Knows all of her letters
- Knows all of her colors, and shapes
- Loves to learn, is in a preschool coop this fall
- Loves to play with friends, but is going through a pushing and hitting phase that is not so fun
- Loves nursery at church, all week long she asks if we are going to church yet
- Loves to play with her Dad outside
- is SUPER loud, she has no concept of volume and is constantly reminded to use her inside voice ( which doesn't help much!)
- Is a pretty picky eater, Her favorite foods are applesauce, anything with peanut butter, cheese, beans, potatoes, noodles and yogurt 
- Still takes a great nap during the day, and sleeps great at night in her big girl bed
- Loves to go to the library, the car wash, and Lowes
- Working on potty training, her stubborn streak sure shines though and is making it difficult. She may go to kindergarden in diapers! 

We sure love Hadley. She is a happy, sassy, independent, fun loving little girl.

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